Monday, November 17, 2014

My essay and my view

        Recently we've been forming our opinions on whether or not we think the murder of Matthew Shepard was a hate crime or not. With all the evidence gathered from the Laramie Project, The Book Of Matt, 20/20 special, and other reports there is substantial evidence on both sides of the question. It's easy to see how this story is used in so many schools because it allows the student to base there own opinion and express how they feel which is crucial in our countries school system. I personally believe that Matthew's murder was not a hate crime and instead a drug deal gone wrong. The Laramie community in general does not support the gay community and it's easy to see how a well known thug in Aaron Mckinney would hurt someone who is gay in Matthew Shepard. These two men knew each other though and this murder was not because Matthew was gay. In Stephen Jimenez's book The Book Of Matt there is proof from Doc' Oconnor and other members of the Laramie community that they had seen Aaron and Matthew together before and they did in fact know each other. Laramie is a very small tight knit community and it's hard to not know somebody or at least know somebody who know's somebody and that's why it's hard for me to believe that these two men didn't know each other. Matthew and Aaron were both into the drug scene and some say that they had even been in business together. Aaron needed drugs and Matthew could of been carrying some or selling and because Aaron was in a meth induced rage at the time of the murder its clear he would of done anything to get drugs or money from Matthew. Aaron had been up for days and craving the high more than anything and would of done anything to continue that high. You cant forget about Russell who at the time wanted to get Aaron drunk and in my opinion just wanted to help his friend rob Matthew. That's why he tied Matthew up, so they could easily rob him but then it took a turn for the worst when Aaron rage and the meth took over.

          Aaron knew Matthew could of had drugs on him or to sell and picked Matthew because he knew him and wanted to rob him. Matthew accepted the ride because Aaron was a familiar face to him and didn't think something like this would of ever happened to him. What's sad is Matthew was defenseless and couldn't do anything to stop what was happening to him. Aaron wouldn't kill someone because they were gay. There's proof from Stephen Jimenez and Doc O'connor that Aaron could of in fact been bisexual. He participated in a sexual threesome with Doc O'connor and another woman. Doc says numerous times that Aaron did not hate gays and in fact could of been bisexual. Doc drove Aaron around numerous times in the back of his limo and knew Aaron and how he viewed the gay community. Aaron was unstable and would of done anything to get his hands on some drugs and that's why Matthew Shepard is no longer alive. It goes to show you what one of the worst drugs on this planet can do to the mind. It can turn you into a monster and that's what Aaron Mckinney was that night on October 12th, 1998. Russell could of stopped Aaron and he has to deal with that guilt everyday for the rest of his life but really Aaron couldn't of been stopped because of the state of mind he was in. Russell made a minor attempt to intervene and was struck in the face by the butt of Aaron's pistol. Aaron was even assaulting his friends and that was because of the meth. Aaron had nothing against gays and that alone is enough for me to know this murder wasn't a hate crime. 

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