Monday, December 1, 2014

Final Week Before Break

     This past week we finished The Laramie Project and turned in our papers. After finishing The Laramie Project we were introduced to our new project which is our pro vs. con debates and chose our partners.  The new project seems very intriguing and i'm sure the entire class wont have any issues arguing some of there topics. Topics like the drinking age in America, abortion, etc. these are all huge debates in our country and everybody has there own opinion that they feel strongly about. I chose milk with my partner Jackson because its something we wouldn't could both learn more about because it's an issue were both not that familiar with. With topics like alcohol and abortion you hear about them everyday and everybody already knows a ton about them but the issue of milk and if its really that healthy for you is rarely talked about or at least the majority of the population doesn't hear a lot about. Something you can learn more about and become a master of is more appealing to me then a topic i already know a lot about. Jackson is a smart kid and its another reason why we both chose milk because we think we can take an issue like milk and turn it into a serious and intense debate. Jackson has the task to debate why milk is bad for you, i'd day his job is more difficult than mine because based on the information i have right now i believe milk is healthy for you. Knowing each side of the debate, pro and con must be ten minutes each we have a quite a large task but it's going to be interesting to see what we find out and learn about milk. On my side of the debate there are a lot of pros to milk. The majority of the people in the U.S believe milk is very good for you. I grew up with my parents telling me milk made me stronger so of course i wanted to drink it.

        There are a lot of nutritional pros to milk. Milk contains almost every nutrient a growing child needs including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, etc. Like i said before milk helps you grow and with your overall development. Milk also helps with blood flow which prevents things like strokes which can be deadly. It can help the overall health of your heart and who wouldn't want that. Most of the pros of milk are all nutritional which is a good topic to argue for because health is a serious topic for everybody. Milk aslo boost vitamin D greatly which is a really good thing because Vitamin D can lower your risk of getting cancer. Cancer is such a prominent thing in the U.S now and knowing milk can reduce your chances of getting it is something i can use to my advantage in my debate. Milk also increases higher levels of bone mass which creates stronger bones in young people. Milk is really appealing to parents because they want there kids to stay healthy and safe and have stronger bones like my parents did. It will be hard to argue against milk when there are so many pros for everyone who drinks it.

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