Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ceremony Continued

   Tayo's struggling relationship with Emo continues at the beginning of this section of the book. Emo and Tayo have been fighting and arguing since grade school and the conflict has only increased over the years. Tayo can't stand the sound of Emo's voice which ultimately leads him to attacking him in the bar. At first the alcohol was helping Tayo block out Emo as well as all of Tayo's problems in general. "The beer kept him loose inside. Emo's words never touched him. The beer stroked a place deep under his heart and put all the feeling to sleep." Tayo uses the alcohol to get away from his issues with PTS but the combination of the alcohol and Emo harassing him made him snap. Something else very important in this section of the reading is the idea of Emo getting joy out of the horrible things he did at war. Tayo on the other hand can't stand the idea of what he might of done at war, he's a good person at heart. The idea of good vs. evil with Tayo and Emo with Emo being the evil one. " He pushed them into circles and rows like unstrung beads; he scooped them into his hand and shook them like dice. They were his war souvenirs, the teeth he had knocked out of every corpse of a Japanese soldier." Emo took Japanese soldiers teeth as trophies, it takes a sick and twisted individual to take joy and trophies out of war and Tayo knows that. Emo was a ruthless killer and bragged about it as well and Tayo couldn't handle it anymore and thats why he stabbed Emo with the beer bottle. When Tayo jumps up and screams "Killer" at Emo, Emo said "You drink like an Indian and you're crazy like one too buy you aren't shit, white trash. You love the Japs the way your mother loved to screw white men." The sentence alone would make anyone want to attack someone but this beef between Tayo and Emo has lasted a lifetime almost. It also shows just how ruthless Emo is. At times this act by Tayo seems justified because of everything Emo has put Tayo through and many other people as well. Once again the alcohol is a big issue for Tayo and will continue with hi throughout the book.
Alcohol and violence led Tayo to stab Emo with the broken beer bottle

The human teeth necklace that Emo has

   Another really important part of this reading was the introduction of Nightswan. You get the idea that Nightswan could be a prostitute but she has a much greater meaning than that. She's more of a sexual teacher and healer and in most cultures besides white America there is a place for woman like Nightswan. She also represents spring and new beginnings because every time she is explained it is with colorful colors and positive vibes. Very close to the introduction of Nightswan you see the love Josiah has for her. Silko said "He liked the way she talked. There was something in her eyes too." It was love at first sight for Josiah. Nightswan also believes in connecting with people with dance which is very interesting and reflects her style. "They called me the Nightswan, she said. I remember every time I have danced." Through time the connection between Josiah and Nightswan grew stronger and stronger. Later on it explains Tayo's relationship with Nightswan, After Tayo's sexual experience with Nightswan and before he leaves for the war he doesn't understand what Nightswan was trying to say to him. But when Tayo returned from war he realized the truth in what Nightswan told him and that is something really interesting to think about. Tayo grew wiser and more mature and realized it's okay to be someone like Tayo who has a mixed race background and that it actually makes him more unique. Tayo was told his whole life that because of who his parents were he was different but if anything he is different in a good way and Nightswan helped him realize that. Nightswan's influence so far in the book has been very strong and I'm sure it will only grow as the book goes on.
Just an idea of what Tayo experiences with Nightswan

Spring and the idea of new beginnings with Nightswan

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