Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Page 1, Culture and Communication

   With constant advancements in communication and technology the planet and society itself is only going to continue to amaze. The beginning of efficient and mass communication was the ability to print. "In 1846, a rotary press was developed that could produce about 20,000 copies of a newspaper per hour"(Culture and Mass Communication). The ability to now get newspapers to everybody instead of only the wealthy changed communication forever because now everybody could receive information on a regular basis. Hundreds of years later the advancements in technology have made communication one of the easiest things for people to accomplish now. "We no longer require homes, offices, or cafes to stay in touch with people; we can do it wherever we happen to be"(Dont Fear the Network...). Peoples jobs and their way of life can now be carried out from wherever and they can even be doing all the work necessary from their laptop at home. Everyday our society thrives because of our abilities to use technology and using it to communicate. The advancements don't seem to be slowing down either which can only benefit society more. "In fact there's little to be afraid of, even for those of us over 35. The online world isn't supplanting the offline one; it's enhancing it"(Dont Fear the Network...). With things only continuing to get better this planet and our society has the ability to do amazing things. Communication is key in every aspect of life and with the help of technology it will only improve.

Page 2, Press Pause Play

   Along with people opening up to new and creative things technology has been able to alter and influence the art world. Art is no longer subjective to old school paintings and music and at this time it's changing more than ever. "50 years ago, people didn't make things. People would go to photography exhibitions. They would go to record fairs. They would watch movies. Now everyone is a photographer. Everyone is a musician. Anyone can make film."(Moby, Press Pause Play). Art and how it's expressed has taken a complete 180 and now anybody can make art and were seeing things we've never seen before. With new things constantly coming through its never been a better time to be an artist and show what you can do in this new art world. "This changes everything. The industry is dead. There has never been a better time to be an artist"(Seth Godin, Press Pause Play). The desire to an artist isn't about the money anymore either it's about the art itself and sharing a message. "People don't become artist because they want to become rich. They become artist because they have an idea to share. Or an emotion to share"(Seth Godin, Press Pause Play). People want to express themselves and art is becoming the newest and greatest way to do that. With creative minds continuing to thrive the art world will continue to change and better itself.

Page 3, 7 Pounds

     Some people will do whatever it takes to make up for the wrongs they've done in their life. In Ben Thomas's life comes beauty in his death. "The first time i ever saw a box jellyfish, i was twelve. Our father took us to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. I never forgot what he said... That it was the most deadly creature on earth. To me it was just the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen"(Ben Thomas). The box jellyfish is one of the deadliest creatures on earth and yet people are always amazed by its beauty. In order to preserve his organs Ben chooses the jellyfish in his suicide because its ability to attack the nervous system. Ben Thomas's story is revolves around the number seven. "In seven days, god created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine(Ben Thomas). Ben killed seven innocent people in a texting and driving related car crash which started his journey to save seven lives. Ben could no longer live with himself, he was walking death and it was by design. One of the most important aspects of Ben's journey to save seven lives was making sure the people who were receiving his organs were good people and deserving. "I had to make sure you were a good person"(Ben Thomas). Ben finds genuine people who he will connect with for eternity because part of him is with them and people like Emily and Ezra cherish that. You can never truly take back an incident like Ben's but his journey and his ability to save seven deserving lives is one of the best stories you'll ever hear.

Page 4, PTS

     The affects of PTS will never truly be understood unless you've gone through them yourself. There is no experience like war, it's the most chaotic scenario someone could experience. "He wanted to go back to the hospital, right away. He had to get back where he could merge with the walls and the ceiling, shimmering white, remote from everything"(Ceremony). The things Tayo experienced at war led to his stays at the hospital and after returning from war the real world frightened him so much at times he'd rather be in the hospital. Society and the world away from war made Tayo feel so naked he just wanted to return to the hospital and escape everything. PTS also leads to alcoholism at times and in Tayo's position at the reservation he was bound to try and disguise his problems with alcohol. "Liquor was medicine for the anger that made them hurt, for the pain of the loss, medicine for the tight bellies and chocked up throats"(Ceremony). Alcohol if anything is a short and temporary solution that never turns out to be beneficial and Tayo found that out the hard way. For people with PTS the horrific stories they experience at war haunt them for years after. "He could hear Rocky's words, and he could follow the logic of what Rocky said, but he could not feel anything except a swelling in his belly, a great swollen grief that was pushing into his throat" (Ceremony). Tayo's experiences with war and Rocky's death haunted him until he managed to complete his journey and his own ceremony. PTS is such a difficult issue because unless the people giving help have experienced something similar it's so hard for veterans to get help. PTS is a growing issue and there needs to be more efficient programs and ways for veterans to receive help.

Page 5, Craigslist Joe

     Right now technology has enabled anything to be possible, even your ability to live and survive can be done through the internet. Joe Garner is a perfect example of how there are still great people in this world willing to rely and communicate with others. "Would you ever ditch your responsibilities to devote yourself completely to living off the kindness and generosity of the strangers you find on Craigslist?" (Behind the scenes with Craigslist Joe). Leaving your ability to survive up to a website like Craigslist was a real attempt to see if there were still genuine and understanding people on the internet and in society. People have began to believe society has crumbled due to the advancements and forms of technology now. "Some say we have lost the sense of community that used to carry us through tough times"(Joe Garner). With technology now people don't really rely on each other anymore and that has led some to believe that the sense of community and people working together is diminishing. Joe wanted to prove that this country was still the best country in the world and that although things may be negative at times with community and each other we can overcome it. "The country was falling apart around me, people losing their homes, people just out on their own. So I got to thinking: If I lost everything, what would happen? I'd probably be OK, because I have great friends and family. But what if I didn't? Who would I rely on?" (Behind the Scenes with Craigslist Joe). So he lost everything and lived off Craigslist and was able to show that there still are amazing and sincere people in our communities and on the internet. Craigslist Joe was able to show what it was intended to show and Joe Garner was able to complete his goal. 

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