Monday, September 1, 2014

About me

Hockey has been one of the biggest parts of my life for the last 10 years. The teams i've played on and the kids i've played with have made me the person i am today. With the routes i've chosen i plan on continuing to make hockey the biggest part of my life behind my family and school. I want to be able to play in college and im trying my best to make that dream a reality. The last four years i've been playing with the Roughriders who im still playing with this year. Next year i want to be able to play junior hockey and my goal is the USHL(united states hockey league). The amount of time and work i put in is what its going to take in order for me to achieve that goal. The ultimate goal though is to play division 1 college hockey. My family plays a huge role in me achieving my goals as well because they have sacrificed so much to allow me to play at the level im playing at now. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't be where i am today.

Another big part of my life is the affect breast cancer has had on my family. Both my mom and grandmother had breast cancer and both were able to overcome it. These times were some of the hardest times my family has ever had but it also made us come together and brought us closer. I chose the race for the cure picture because almost everyone in my family has done it and it was an amazing experience. My mom is also a big runner and when she got the opportunity to run it she was stoked. Now my mom and grandma go to anything they can to help spread awareness and its become a big part of my families life.

Besides hockey the other sport that i play is lacrosse which has also been another big part of my life. I've been playing lacrosse for six years now and im really glad i got into it. Some od the best times i've had on out of state trips with any team i've been on have been with the teams i've played lacrosse with. Every spring break the Monarch team goes to San Diego except last year we went to Philadelphia which was still a good time. Ever since my freshman year i've really enjoyed coyote lacrosse. As you can see sports is a big part of my life and besides hockey lacrosse is the next best thing. Being able to play for your school is another thing i really enjoy because with hockey i play for club. All together lacrosse is a nice break from hockey and the times i've had playing lacrosse i'll never forget.

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