Monday, September 29, 2014

The War


         The War was a perfect portrayal of the need of guidance and the unnecessary need for violence most of the time.  Through memoir and the facts of history this movie is able to show people that even though people may understand war, war will never understand people. The film perfectly conveys the message that there our solutions to the problems we face without violence no matter how badly you want violence to solve the issue theres better ways and thats what Kevin Costner does perfectly in his role of the father of Stu and Lidia. The film brings up numerous issues like race, money, family, and success and the fear of failure and it gives the viewer ways to overcome these issues.

          The war does a really good job of conveying meaning and emotion which are two of the main points of the film. The meaning of parenthood and raising your children to be better then there peers and to not make the same mistakes as you has a lot of meaning in this film. Kevin Costner suffers from PTS in the film and struggles from his experiences in Vietnam and all the violence. Because of what he's been through he makes it his mission to show his children that violence isn't the answer and i think that's the main point of this film and its a brilliant message to get across. When it comes to emotion Stu was very emotional throughout the film. Stu's passion and emotion is something that turned him into a man towards the end of film and realizing his father was watching and he realized just how influential his father was on him and in a good way. Memoir really allowed this film to leave a message in the viewers mind. Instead of a narrator or just one persons view, The war was a combination of numerous peoples memoirs which allows the viewer to get different points of view all supporting the idea that violence isn't the solution.

         Music and sound is one of the most important features in this film because most of the time its very depressing and dark. One of the most vivid sounds was the water tank. The water tank sounded like a raging waterfall and was extremely dark inside. You can only imagine how terrifying it would be to jump into that tank but Stu does it twice. The first time he does it to out do the Lipnicki's for the tree house and the second time to save Billy Lipnicki's life which goes to show you the kind of person Stu became at the end of the film thanks to his father. One thing i noticed when it came to the music was when Gimme Shelter was played during the battle scene with the Lipnicki's at the tree house. When it comes to the Vietnam war i always associate it with this Rolling Stones song and that also may be because of Forrest Gump but its something i noticed. The music and sound were ultimately pretty dark and loud because thats how this film was intended.

       The main two conflicts in this film were violence and race. kevin Costner wanted to make sure the youth in this film knew that violence only makes things worst most of the time. The Lipnicki's are constantly bullying and taking advantage of Stu and Lidia and they cant do anything about it because there father is teaching them violence and retaliation isn't the answer. Something else thats really special is how kevin Costner is able to help and change the lifestyles of the lipnicki's as well who suffer from an abusive father, limited food, and horrible living conditions. The other main conflict was race. One of the most important scenes from the film is when Lidia stands up for Elvadeen when she's sent to the back by there extremely racist teacher. Because of the way Lidia was raised she wasn't going to allow a girl to be mistreated because of the color of her skin but aslo because she was her best friend. This is because she was raised properly and had a very influential father. Another main point of this film was to convey the struggles of PTS. PTS is a serious disease that many war veterans experience because they're so haunted by there past. You get a vivid example of it in the begininning of the film when Stu wakes up his father and his father grabs him as if Stu was a threat. There violent pasts make them think that its not over and it can be extremely serious. Although PTS is horrible Kevin Costner was able to handle it extremely well in my opinion. All together this collection of memoirs leaves the viewer thinking that maybe violence isn't the solution and does a really good job of portraying that message.

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