Tuesday, September 9, 2014

world around us

This past weekend when i went to Detroit for hockey i experienced something that to some may not seem like that big of a life experience but to me was pretty eye-opening. In the airport on the way to Detroit i left behind my computer and wallet at the spot i was sitting at on the wall that had a charger. I had left my stuff there, i have no idea how but i did. I had walked a good distance away and a man came running up to me giving me my laptop and wallet. I was shocked because i couldn't believe i had left that behind but also that this man came running up to me and gave them back. It just goes to show you how there are still good people out there and are doing the right thing. This experience made me consider the world around us and made me think that maybe the world around us isn't that bad after all. This is more then just the world around us but also the integrity of the people. The good people have integrity and know that maybe they might not want to do the right thing and return someones wallet but they do because they know its the right thing. Doing the right thing can be hard sometimes and thats by the world around us can be a struggle but overcoming that is something special.

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